The compelling saga


Joseph Nieves: "Rick was keen on ownership from the get-go. I told him he'd have to prove himself over a few months. Initially, he was everything I hoped for in an employee, but a few months in, his behavior changed drastically."


Joseph Nieves: "It wasn't just rumors; multiple people told me Rick was going around town saying he owned everything. I couldn't ignore it. I got on the next flight and headed straight to the ranch."


Joseph Nieves: "Rick's attack was brutal. He went for his hidden gun and came at me. I shot him in self-defense, but then Spencer showed up, ignored the witnesses, and said I was being charged with murder. Something was very wrong."


Joseph Nieves: "When the cell illuminated in orange, I felt a divine presence. Wearing my orange inmate outfit, I laughed and laughed. It was God's way of telling me I would be okay, and for the first time, I felt a sense of peace."


Joseph Nieves: "My lawyer told me no one ever beats a murder charge at a pretrial hearing, but I was determined. I used my detective skills to uncover the truth. When the judge saw the weak evidence, I was released. I knew then I had to take down the corruption.


Joseph Nieves: "Looking back, I see that my battle was not just for myself but for everyone who has been wronged by a corrupt system. We have to be vigilant, brave, and unyielding in our pursuit of justice. Stand up, speak out, and fight for the truth."

"A tragedy is that moment where the hero comes face to face with his true identity.


The Story

In the heart of the Emerald Triangle, where California's lush counties of Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino meet, a gripping saga of courage and resistance unfolded, centered around one man: Joseph Nieves. A retired NYPD detective, Joe moved west seeking fortune in the burgeoning legal marijuana industry, only to find himself ensnared in a web of deceit and corruption.

Upon arriving in this seemingly idyllic paradise, Joe's dreams were quickly soured by the malevolent actions of Rick Ortiz, a psychopathic ranch-hand who conspired with corrupt police officers, a myopic DA, and a twisted judge to steal everything Joe had built. Despite the gravity of his situation, Joe's sharp wit and dry humor carried him through the darkest moments.

Joe’s journey through this surreal nightmare was marked by absurd encounters and laughable threats, but his resolve never wavered. From the ridiculous court procedures to the bumbling threats of crooked cops, Joe's fight for justice revealed the depth of the corruption in the Emerald Triangle.

The pivotal moment came when Joe, framed for murder, faced the prospect of a lifetime in prison. In solitary confinement, his cell bathed in an orange glow, Joe experienced a divine visitation that filled him with a profound sense of peace and certainty. It was God's way of telling him that he would be okay, and for the first time in months, Joe laughed—a defiant, cathartic release that marked the beginning of his fight back.

Armed with his experience as a detective, Joe meticulously dismantled the case against him, exposing the weak evidence and the absurd errors of the prosecution. At the pretrial hearing, the charges were dismissed, and Joe walked out a free man, ready to take down the corruption that had nearly destroyed him.

Reflecting on his journey, Joe saw his battle as more than a personal quest for justice. It was a fight for everyone wronged by a corrupt system. With unwavering determination, he called on others to stand up, speak out, and fight for the truth. In "Smoke & Badges," Joe's story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of justice, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The skills he honed in the NYPD—his keen sense of observation, his knack for uncovering the truth, and his unwavering sense of justice—proved invaluable in the murky waters of the legal cannabis industry.

The Emerald Triangle, while picturesque and promising, was rife with corruption and deceit.

The saga of Joseph Nieves is a powerful reminder that even in the face of overwhelming odds, one person can make a difference. His fight against corruption in the Emerald Triangle is a legacy of courage, inspiring others to stand up for what is right and protect the places they call home.